Water Quality Update 07-28-2023 – FAQ
1. Why are weed and algae conditions so frequent this year?
Weed growth in 2023 is in direct correlation from early season water temperatures which began growth early. The fast and random nature of the storm systems rolling through, keep causing flushes from the tributary streams. Nutrients from these streams are moving into the bay which is causing stronger weed beds in general and with the clarity of the water more dense growth is occurring. Weeds, many of the Bay viewers are seeing, include many natives and invasive species combined this year. Surprisingly, earlier in the season, regular milfoil, elodea and eel grass. This past week, the bay turned over which caused a mixing of the water columns. Think of “shaking the Italian dressing bottle.” The previously individualize water columns have now been blended which forced many of the weeds to reach maturity and die. This causes a release of nutrients back into the water, which causes algae to grow and die and then float to the top. Currently, the “nutrient plops = algae” is mixing with break off and floating duckweed.
Certain areas of the bays that are shallower and restricted in water movement do have potential for Cyanobacterial blooms aka Blue/Green Algae.
How can you help? Run a boat slowly through the area to introduce oxygen and mix the water columns. Oxygen keeps these bacterial strains from growing and multiplying.
2. Are the weeds and striated algal harmful to animals or humans?
The weeds them self and algae that is currently present in many of the areas in Sodus Bay, are not harmful to animals or humans in the nature of medical concerns.
Cyanobacterial Blooms are, if you begin to have an area that looks like a paint spill on the water, do not go in the water or allow animals too. Slowly move the water with a boat or bubbler to introduce oxygen and mitigate growth of the impacted area. https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/77118.html
3. How can people get rid of the weeds gathering along their docks and crowding their shorelines?
Short term response to mitigate the algae and weeds from becoming a long term cycle of nutrients from dying plants becoming food for new growth, removal is the best option. Pull a small amount onto your dock to dry in the sun, then scoop up and apply to flowers or vegetables. Weeds dry down about 90% and are full of nitrogen. Weeds do not grow well in areas were there is moving water. Regular movement of water and increased oxygen has a lot of benefits. It will reduce strong weed growth, draw fish and other in water wildlife to eat the weeds. The oxygen will also mitigate algal growth.
Other things that will mitigate weed growth in your immediate waterfront is how you care for your lawn. Please see Homeowners guide for additional details on strategies: Homeowners Guide for Shoreline Property Owners
The National Park Service (NPS) today delivered the final Finger Lakes National Heritage Area Feasibility Study to Congress. The feasibility study determined that the 14 county study area in the Finger Lakes region of New York state meets the congressionally established criteria to be eligible for inclusion as part of the National Heritage Area System. The counties included in the study area included Wayne, Cayuga, Chemung, Cortland, Livingston, Monroe, Onondaga, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, and Yates.
The study found that Central New York’s landscape is nationally important for its association with the distinct geological formations of the Finger Lakes.
This is a very large PDF document (56m), but you can download here: Click Here
The NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets announced the three finalists have been selected for New York’s AEM-Leopold Conservation Award!
Dygert Farms Creamery (Montgomery County, NY), Humbert Farms (Wayne County), and Tongore Farm, Olivebridge, NY. (Ulster County)
All three family operations that demonstrate exemplary commitment to agriculture conservation. Their dedication and leadership implementing conservation practices not only help provide economic and environmental benefits to their farm but also to the communities in which they farm, protecting the valuable land and water resources of New York State.
Congratulations to these finalists for what is already a tremendous accolade, and look forward to continuing our celebrations when we we join with the Sand County Foundation to award the AEM-Leopold Conservation Award later this year!
We’re rooting for you Mark Humbert!