Take action to stop spotted lanternfly by reporting tree-of-heaven in New York State!

Spotted lanternfly (SLF) feed on many different tree species but are particularly attracted to an invasive tree species known as tree-of-heaven). Any SLF that make their way to New York will be drawn to tree-of-heaven – and they will not stop there. They will next move to feed on native and economically valuable New York plant species, such as maple trees, apple trees, hops, grapes, poplar species, and many others.

This is where you come in: report any tree-of-heaven that you see across New York, and we will be able to watch for and locate SLF more easily!

You can record data on invasive species right from your smartphone by using iMapInvasives, (https://www.imapinvasives.org/) New York’s invasive species database, available for iOS and Android.


https://www.nyimapinvasives.org/calendar-of-events   to learn more about the app or to find a training hosted by your local Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM).


Photo Credit NYS Ag and Markets / USDA APHIS

Tree of Heaven

If you think you’ve seen the Spotted Lantern Fly, send photos and location info to spottedlanternfly@dec.ny.gov, or fill out an online report: https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/116595.html

How can your business help?

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Spotted Lantern Fly Fact Sheet

Penn State Spotted Lanternfly Management for Homeowners



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