The District will be offering it’s first water chestnut hand will competition. July 21st and Bay Bridge South (Lake Shore Marshes). Water Chestnut Warrior teams of 4  will compete in 3 different events – a short pull, long pull and a bag fill – to see how quickly and efficiently they can work to remove water chestnuts from the bay! Gift Cards to local restaurants will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams and all participants receive a free t-shirt. Registration is $20.00 for team of 4 ($5.00 per person)- Is your team up for the challenge?


Help us spread the word, download this poster for distribution

Over 45,00 acres in Wayne County
Conservation is a continued tradition to protect heritage of the ecosystem for all living creatures. Legacy is what we leave behind. It is about making sure as a community, what we leave behind the community can be proud of. While being part of an ever changing society, conservation is about protecting habitat for all the life within the community. Many of times, we all are wrapped up in the present and forget to think about what came before us and what will come after us.

Read More Here

iMap Invasives Spring Training – SLELO

iMapInvasives program is an online platform where invasive species sightings and management efforts can be recorded and shared. By providing data on invasive species distributions, the iMapInvasives program helps to facilitate both current and future endeavors to control and eradicate invasive species across New York State.

When: June 18th, 2018 (Monday)
11:00am -12:00pm -SLELO PRISM Presentation
12:00pm – 12:30pm -Lunch
12:30pm – 1:10pm -Brief intro to the NUN AshTree Survey App
1:10pm – 2:10pm -iMapInvasives Training
2:10pm – 2:20pm -Break to get ready for outdoor session
2:20pm – 3:20pm -Outdoor iMap App and Ash Tree Survey App walk and talk

Where: SUNY Oswego Rice Creek Field Station
Brownell Rd
Oswego, NY 13126

Exploring Beechwood State Park, Hosted by Genesee Land Trust

Walk with Bob Cooper who grew up near Beechwood State Park and knows its many trails and stories. Start at the lower parking lot close to Maxwell Creek as it flows into Maxwell Bay and then Lake Ontario – learning about fish, birds, wild flowers, and the history of Beechwood when it was a girl scout camp.

Beechwood State Park
7563 Lake Rd, Sodus, New York 14551

Sunday, May 20th at 9 AM – 11 AM

nesting_boxesAs winter wanes and our thoughts turn to springtime, it’s time to think about nesting boxes for birds.  Many cavity nesting birds scout out and select nest sites starting in late February through May, so now is the time to begin making preparations.

Nesting boxes are available year round.

Order Online here

Jan. 20, Saturday, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm  Owl Prowl   Get up close to live owls during an indoor presentation featuring KrittrKris and her feathered friends! Learn about the special adaptations these birds have that allow them to survive the winter season and be successful hunters of the night. Then, join Audubon staff to search for endangered Short-eared Owls and other raptors in the grasslands around Montezuma. It will be a real hoot! Fee: $6/child, $8/adult, $25/family.


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