Aquatic Vegetation Control aka Weed harvesting Summer 2022

Aquatic Vegetation Control (AVC) is a form of nutrient management that is one of several management techniques used to manage non-point source water pollution that is natural but also impacts a balanced ecosystem for water quality. Selective harvesting invasive species and some high concentrations of water weeds verses letting them die off and fertilize seedbeds within a waterbody does three things for the environment:

      1. Removes nutrients from waterbody in specific areas to prevent high growth of stronger weeds;
  1. Reduces the potential for continuous spread of some highly invasive aquatic weeds like Water Chestnut;
  2. Increases flow from the outlets of streams into the waterbody to allow for regular movement of water thus preventing algal blooms.

There are other benefits to this management technique which include pathways for boaters to navigate into open waters, pathways for fisherman to access weed-beds for better fishing and better ascetics for the community. The District’s Aquatic Vegetation Control program subcontracted by Wayne County, began on June 13th and will provide 1 service to specific areas in 2022 through September 9th. The tentative schedule has been posted but is subject to change based on technical review weekly by the staff for addressing water quality impairments. Further schedule updates can be found on the District’s website.

For additional information on Invasive Species Management and the Aquatic Vegetation Control program please go to visit the AVC Program Webpage

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