Congratulations to Michael Stanyard of Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE), the recipient of the 2016 Wayne County Agriculture Environmental Stewardship award Awarding stewardship effort from across the agriculture communities
This year has been a great year for conservation in the agricultural industry in Wayne County. The varying soil types because of water quality considerations sometimes restrict implementation of specific projects that will aid in farms continuing to run their businesses while being considerate environmental health. Many farms were able to implement projects simply because crops were able to be planted early to on time.
Over the past several years, the District has awarded an Agricultural Environmental Stewardship award to a member of the agricultural support community that goes above and beyond to continue to provide services and manage environmental issues, aid in dealing with the difficult years and lend a hand to other farms. The award was created to be given at a grassroots level, to individuals that strengthen the community.
This year’s award recipient was awarded to Michael Standard, Team Leader, Field Crops Specialist of the Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crop Team, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wayne County on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 with recognition by the County Board of Supervisors, located at Wayne County Court House Chambers, 26 Church Street, Lyons, NY 14489.
Mr. Stanyard has been supporting Wayne County agricultural communities while continuing to address environmental related issues including but not limited to: soil health, cover crops, integrated pest management, crop disease management, climate resiliency, commodity marketing research, crop typing, organization of technical Ag teams, agricultural business planning, discussion groups, agriculture water quality management and so much more.
He continues to be an active participate in the Wayne County Agriculture Advisory Committee for 5 years and has assisted farms in relation to USDA and Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation Programs through the local working group. He advisement is available and offers outreach for any community member or group that requests it. His continued interest in the world of insects has provided technical assistance in addressing issues within Wayne County. Because Mike is a resident of Wayne County, honoring him with this award is extra special, as he continues to take part in efforts of Agro forestry, and wildlife conservation planning, along with the continuation of education with the youth.
We honor Mike as the 2016 Wayne County Agriculture Environmental Stewardship recipient because of his dedication and continue passion for leading the Wayne County Agricultural Community into the future.