New York Agriculture in the Classroom Grants Available

Photo Credit NY Ag in the Classroom

The New York Agriculture in the Classroom Grants are now open for indoor grow systems for schools in NY interested in a classroom project. Schools can apply for three types of grow systems that would best meet their educational goals, classroom space needs, along with experience level in school gardening and curriculum integration.

New York Agriculture in the Classroom aspires to provide teachers the tools to facilitate experiential-learning opportunities using agriculture as the context for learning by investing $70,000 in the grant program.

The selected schools that receive grow systems will be asked to submit two progress reports yearly, and respond to messages or inquiries as asked. Regional Agriculture in the Classroom curriculum training will be held during the school year, and at least one teacher from the recipient school must attend the training. The educator trainings will deepen your understanding of the paired curriculum available and companion resources, and allow for teachers to develop a network of support in each region.

Interested teachers can apply for one of three available grow systems: a 2445 soil-based rack grow system, a bundle of three aeroponic tower gardens, or a high tunnel. Schools will be awarded the grow system that best meets their educational goals, classroom space needs, experience level in school gardening, and curriculum integration plans. The systems will serve as “garden classrooms” where food-based learning can be integrated with math, science, language arts, and social studies while helping teachers meet core curriculum requirements. In addition, recipients will receive educational resources, workshop opportunities, and access to a growing network of school food gardeners throughout the state.

Interested teachers can apply for the Grow with Us Grant by Friday, January 3, 2020.

More information about the Grow with Us Grant and the application can be found by visiting the New York Agriculture in the Classroom website at

New York Agriculture in the Classroom is a partnership of Cornell University, the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, New York State Education Department, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and New York Farm Bureau. New York Agriculture in the Classroom fosters an awareness, understanding, and appreciation of our food and fiber system.


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