
How-Bar Farms participates in AEM program

How- Bar Farms, is owned and operated by Scott Albrecht. This multi-generational farm is one year away from centennial status. In the farming world that is a huge accomplishment and honor. It is our greatest pleasure to assist owner and operator Scott Albrecht with installation of water quality Best Management Practices (BMP) that will not only improve the environment but also assist him with herd health and daily management operations.

The How- Bar Farms 60-cow milking facility will have updates both on the heifer and main barnyards to improve both stormwater and ground water management within the Canandaigua Outlet watershed.

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How Bar Farms – Barnyard before implementation

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How Bar Farms Barnyard after impementation

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How Bar Farms Manure loading area before implementation

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How Bar Farms new manure loading area after implementation

Scott Albrecht actively participated through the planning, design and implementation of the project. He shared, “This is a great program, not only for the landowner, but also for the benefit of the environment. It was great to have worked with such knowledgeable people.”

Best Management Practices are Barnyard Water Management System, Heavy Use Protection Area, and Laneway/Access Road for the Main Farm.

Water Quality Impacts:

• Reduced nutrient runoff from on farm sources
• Mitigation of storm water to animal living areas
• Filtering of water before it leaves farm area

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