Participate in NY Great Lakes Action Agenda
All NYS Great Lakes stakeholders are invited to participate — including environmental orgs, academic institutions, state and federal agencies, local government, individuals and other diverse stakeholder groups (business, health, recreation, planning, etc).
What: SE Lake Ontario Work Group
When: May 10th, 10:30am – 2:00pm
Where:Lyons Community Center – 9 Manhattan St. Lyons, NY 14489
Sub Basin work groups will identify and advance priority projects to achieve the goals of New York’s
Great Lakes Action Agenda using a place-based, ecosystem-based management approach.
CONNECT, COORDINATE & COLLABORATE with state and federal agencies, local governments, academic
institutions and other key partners to advance local project needs.
LEVERAGE resources and expertise to address shared watershed challenges and goals.
PREPARE! Develop competitive project proposals in advance of tight RFP deadlines.
SCALE UP YOUR WORK by pursuing landscape-scale projects with work group partners.
Please let the work grouo know if you can make it! RSVP to at least one week in advance of the meeting you plan to attend. Please indicate which work group meeting you’ll be attending.
*Work plans and past meeting minutes are available online by joining the Great Lakes Clean Communities network Great Lakes Action Agenda (GLAA NY) group:
Frequently Asked Questions:
WHO? Environmental orgs, academic institutions, state and federal agencies, local government and other diverse stakeholder groups (business, health, recreation, planning, etc)
WHAT? Work groups will identify and advance priority projects
to achieve the goals of NYS’s Great Lakes Action Agenda (Review Agenda at
HOW? Sub basin work plans and project teams will be developed to focus, organize and advance multi-stakeholder projects in support of the GLAA.
WHY? Because making lasting progress within our Great Lakes basin depends on focused collaboration and collective impact